Focus and Skills
Educational Attainment
The Las Vegas, NV-AZ market ranks 129th in Educational Attainment across the 167 STI Markets.
Educational Attainment
This ranking considers the 13.4% of those over 25 years old with an Under High School level of educational attainment compared with 25% and 8.6% that have attained a college and graduate level of education, respectively.
College here includes those with Associate and Bachelor degrees. While Graduate includes those with Masters degrees, Professional degrees, and Doctorates.

Figure 26: Educational Attainment
Industry Employment
The 13 Industry include the following “Agri”, “Manufacturing”, “Retail_Wholesale”, “Transportation”, “Information”, “FIN_I_RE”, “Professional”, “Management”, “Admin_Waste”, “Educational”, “Entertain”, “Other_Prof”, “Public_admin”.
Agri includes Agricultural, Mining, and Construction industries. Census codes: 0170-0770
Manufacturing includes all forms product creation from “Animal food, grain and oilseed milling” to production of heavy industrial equipment. Census codes: 1070-3990
Retail_Wholesale both customer and business oriented sales. Census codes: 4070-5790
Transportation encompasses all movement of goods, supplies, and energy. Transportation and Warehousing, and Utilities. Census codes: 6070-6390, 0570-0690
Information industries are those involved in the creation and distribution of media and other forms of publication. Census codes: 6470-6780
FIN_I_RE or Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate also includes other Banking related employment. Census codes: 6870-7190
Professional includes legal, accounting, architectural, and other professional, scientific, and technical services. Census codes: 7270-7490
Management is described as management of companies and enterprises. Census codes:7570
Admin_Waste ranges from companies setup to provide Employment and Business support services to Landscaping and Waste management services. Census codes: 7580-7790
Educational includes both Educational Services, and Health Care and Social Assistance. Census codes: 7860-8470
Entertain spans employment in industries of Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation, and Accommodation and Food Services. Census code: 8561-8690
Other_Prof ranges from Automotive repair and maintenance to Beauty salons to Labor unions. Census codes: 8770-9290
Public_admin includes various forms of governmental employment. Census codes: 9370-9590
Data is shown by place of residence.
Largest Industry - Entertain
The Entertain industry makes up the largest share of employment in the Las Vegas, NV-AZ Market at 22.8%. This is yields a location quotient of 2.56 time the national average. Subsequently the Las Vegas, NV-AZ Market ranks 1st in the proportion of Entertain employment across STI Markets.
Notable Industries - Entertain
The proportion of employment in the Entertain industry in the Las Vegas, NV-AZ Market is notable. This industry comprises 22.8% of the market’s employment, yielding a location quotient of 2.56 time the national average. Subsequently the Las Vegas, NV-AZ Market ranks 1st in the proportion of Entertain employment across STI Markets.
Industries by County
In the following charts Information, FIN_I_RE(Finance Insurance and Real Estate), and Professional Services are grouped into a Professional Category. Management Services, Admin/Waste Services, and Other Prof services are grouped into Business Category. Wholesale Retail is grouped with Entertainment services to form a Retail Entertainment Category. Finally, Educational and Public Admin are group into a Civics category.

Figure 29: Industry Employment Comparison
Largest Occupation - Prof
The Prof occupation makes up the largest share of employment in the Las Vegas, NV-AZ Market at 18.1%. This is yields a location quotient of 0.74 time the national average. Subsequently the Las Vegas, NV-AZ Market ranks 163rd in the proportion of Prof employment across STI Markets.
Notable Occupation - Food
The proportion of employment in the Food occupation in the Las Vegas, NV-AZ Market is notable. This occupation comprises 9.3% of the market’s employment, yielding a location quotient of 1.79 time the national average. Subsequently the Las Vegas, NV-AZ Market ranks 1st in the proportion of Food employment across STI Markets.