Focus and Skills
Educational Attainment
The Rochester, MN market ranks 47th in Educational Attainment across the 167 STI Markets.
Educational Attainment
This ranking considers the 6.5% of those over 25 years old with an Under High School level of educational attainment compared with 32.9% and 10.9% that have attained a college and graduate level of education, respectively.
College here includes those with Associate and Bachelor degrees. While Graduate includes those with Masters degrees, Professional degrees, and Doctorates.

Figure 26: Educational Attainment
Industry Employment
The 13 Industry include the following “Agri”, “Manufacturing”, “Retail_Wholesale”, “Transportation”, “Information”, “FIN_I_RE”, “Professional”, “Management”, “Admin_Waste”, “Educational”, “Entertain”, “Other_Prof”, “Public_admin”.
Agri includes Agricultural, Mining, and Construction industries. Census codes: 0170-0770
Manufacturing includes all forms product creation from “Animal food, grain and oilseed milling” to production of heavy industrial equipment. Census codes: 1070-3990
Retail_Wholesale both customer and business oriented sales. Census codes: 4070-5790
Transportation encompasses all movement of goods, supplies, and energy. Transportation and Warehousing, and Utilities. Census codes: 6070-6390, 0570-0690
Information industries are those involved in the creation and distribution of media and other forms of publication. Census codes: 6470-6780
FIN_I_RE or Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate also includes other Banking related employment. Census codes: 6870-7190
Professional includes legal, accounting, architectural, and other professional, scientific, and technical services. Census codes: 7270-7490
Management is described as management of companies and enterprises. Census codes:7570
Admin_Waste ranges from companies setup to provide Employment and Business support services to Landscaping and Waste management services. Census codes: 7580-7790
Educational includes both Educational Services, and Health Care and Social Assistance. Census codes: 7860-8470
Entertain spans employment in industries of Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation, and Accommodation and Food Services. Census code: 8561-8690
Other_Prof ranges from Automotive repair and maintenance to Beauty salons to Labor unions. Census codes: 8770-9290
Public_admin includes various forms of governmental employment. Census codes: 9370-9590
Data is shown by place of residence.
Largest Industry - Educational
The Educational industry makes up the largest share of employment in the Rochester, MN Market at 30.6%. This is yields a location quotient of 1.31 time the national average. Subsequently the Rochester, MN Market ranks 3rd in the proportion of Educational employment across STI Markets.
Notable Industries - Manufacturing
The proportion of employment in the Manufacturing industry in the Rochester, MN Market is notable. This industry comprises 15.5% of the market’s employment, yielding a location quotient of 1.55 time the national average. Subsequently the Rochester, MN Market ranks 22nd in the proportion of Manufacturing employment across STI Markets.
Industries by County
In the following charts Information, FIN_I_RE(Finance Insurance and Real Estate), and Professional Services are grouped into a Professional Category. Management Services, Admin/Waste Services, and Other Prof services are grouped into Business Category. Wholesale Retail is grouped with Entertainment services to form a Retail Entertainment Category. Finally, Educational and Public Admin are group into a Civics category.

Figure 29: Industry Employment Comparison
Largest Occupation - Prof
The Prof occupation makes up the largest share of employment in the Rochester, MN Market at 24.7%. This is yields a location quotient of 1.02 time the national average. Subsequently the Rochester, MN Market ranks 37th in the proportion of Prof employment across STI Markets.
Notable Occupation - Agri
The proportion of employment in the Agri occupation in the Rochester, MN Market is notable. This occupation comprises 1.2% of the market’s employment, yielding a location quotient of 2 time the national average. Subsequently the Rochester, MN Market ranks 36th in the proportion of Agri employment across STI Markets.