GDP - $60.91 billion
With a GDP of $60.91 billion the Rochester, MN Market represents 0.21% of the $28.86 Trillion national GDP. In terms of total GDP this market ranks 109th across STI Markets.
With a GDP of $60.91 billion the Rochester, MN Market represents 0.21% of the $28.86 Trillion national GDP. In terms of total GDP this market ranks 109th across STI Markets.
Social Security Recipients - 21.5%
In the Rochester, MN Market, 172,461 out of the Population of 803,372, 21.5%, receive some type of Social Security benefit. This is 1.15 times the National proportion of Social Security Recipients of 18.7%. The market ranks 69th across STI Markets in the proportion of Social Security recipients.
Social Security by Type
Figure 66: Social Security Type
Social Security Recipent Proportion by Census Tract
Figure 67: Social Security Thematic
Social Security Recipent Change 2021 to 2022 by Census Tract
Figure 68: Social Security Change Thematic
Gentrification Identification - 2021 to 2022
The below thematic map is the same as the one above but with an added filter to only look at Census Tracts with over a 100 person increase or less than a 100 person decrease. This view can help to visualize areas that are potentially starting to gentrify.
Though there is not a single definition for gentrification, the term is often used to refer to areas where higher income residents have replaced previous lower income residents. In areas experiencing gentrification a drop in Social Security recipients can often be observed as a leading indicator of the neighborhoods change. This is because Social Security recipients are often more likely to be on a fixed income or budget and therefore are often more susceptible to changes in the cost of living. The below map will also show cases where the proportion of Social Security recipients have increased as well as decreased so long as the net effect is over 100 people.
Figure 69: SSA Gentrification
Past Gentrification - 2015 to 2021
The following looks at the percentage change from 2015 to 2021 for all Census Tracts that had at least 500 people in 2015.
Figure 70: SSA Past Gentrification