
The Primary Direction of travel to work for the Rochester, MN Market is North followed by North East. The market ranks 139th with an average distance of 7.8 Miles.

Commute Pattern

The following shows the commute to work patterns for the Rochester, MN Market. The average direction is found via a circular mean function. The concentration is the proportion of overall travel headed in that direction and those adjacent to that direction. Length of arrow is scaled by the distance traveled. Together this allows for a general view of how traffic flows around the market each morning.

Commute Pattern

Figure 22: Commute Pattern

Overall Distance and Direction

Commute Distance and Direction

Figure 23: Commute Distance and Direction

Number of Vehicles per Household

The Rochester, MN has an average of 2 vehicles per household. This market subsequently ranks 32nd in vehicles per household across the 168 STI Markets. It has a location quotient of 1.09 time the national average of 1.8.

County View

Household Type Comparison

Figure 24: Household Type Comparison

Thematic view of Average Vehicles per HH

Avg Vehicles Per HH Thematic

Figure 25: Avg Vehicles Per HH Thematic