Population Forecast
5 year Forecast - 1%
The current population of the Boston, MA Market is 5,699,598 as of the July 2024 PopStats estimate. PopStat’s Trend models indicate a 5 year population change of 1%, resulting in a Population of 5,757,501 by July 2029. This percentage change in Population ranks 123rd across STI Markets. The Boston, MA Market currently ranks 14th in overall population, and will rank 15th by July 2029.
High and Low Range - -0.6% to 6.6%
While the summation of mid range 5 year forecasts foresee a change in Population of 1% for Boston, MA Market. The forecast high ranges of these forecasts leaves open the possibility for a Population change as high as 6.6% at 6,076,873. Similarly a population change as low as -0.6% at 5,664,581 is not without possibility.
10 year Projections - 1.9%
By July 2034 we project the Population of the Boston, MA Market to be 5,809,554 resulting in a change of 1.9% compared to the current Population. This projected percentage change in Population ranks 127th across STI Markets. The Boston, MA Market currently ranks 14th in overall population, and will rank 15th by July 2034.