Household Income (HHI)
Median HHI - $68,415
With a Median Household Income of $68,415 the Louisville, KY-IN Market ranks 92nd across STI Markets.
Income Distribtuion Line
Below the multi-colored line represents the same data for household income in the Louisville, KY-IN market, but more equally lays out the distribution of population versus the income level, correcting for differences in size of income ranges. You will also notice that after 200k the income ranges are scaled down so the focus is more centered on the more numerous Households making under 200k. The black line represents the National Income Distribution for comparison.
HH Income by Age of Head of Householder
HHI Age under 25 - $56,316
With an Average Household Income for those head of householders aged under 25 of $56,316 the Louisville, KY-IN market ranks 79th across STI Markets.
HHI Age 25 to 45 - $97,630
With an Average Household Income for those head of householders aged 25 to 45 of $97,630 the Louisville, KY-IN market ranks 88th across STI Markets.
HH Income by Age of Head of Householder
HHI White - $95,092
With an Average Household Income for those head of householders Non-Hispanic White of $95,092 the Louisville, KY-IN market ranks 100th across STI Markets.
HHI Black - $70,924
With an Average Household Income for those head of householders identifying as Non-Hispanic Black of $70,924 the Louisville, KY-IN market ranks 78th across STI Markets.
HHI Asian - $108,007
With an Average Household Income for those head of householders identifying as Non-Hispanic Asian of $108,007 the Louisville, KY-IN market ranks 83rd across STI Markets.
Disposible Income - $71,325
Disposable income is defined here as Household Income after accounting for Federal, State, and Local taxes. The Average Household Disposable Income is $71,325 which ranks 108th across STI Markets.
This is a drop of $20,561, or 22.38%, overall this percentage drop ranks 46th across STI Markets.
Purple = 15% decrease, Blue = 25% decrease, Green = 35% decrease, Orange = 45% decrease, Red = 55% decrease
Discretionary Income - $51,727
Discretionary income goes a step further. It takes Disposable Income, which already accounts for taxes, and accounts for the typical cost of Food, Housing, and Clothing. The Average Household Discretionary Income is $51,727 which ranks 95th across STI Markets.
This is a drop of $40,159, or 43.71%, overall this percentage drop ranks 65th across STI Markets.
Purple = 15% decrease, Blue = 25% decrease, Green = 35% decrease, Orange = 45% decrease, Red = 55% decrease