
Number of Workers in Family

The Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI has an average of 1.7 workers per family. This market subsequently ranks 3rd in the number of workers per family across the 167 STI Markets. It has a location quotient of 1.1 time the national average of 1.5.

Workers In Family

Figure 31: Workers In Family

Labor Force

The Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI ranks 1st in labor force participation among the 167 STI Markets with 71% of those 16 plus in the labor force. Of those in the Labor force 0.11% are in the Armed Forces a value 0.15 times the national average resulting in an Armed Forces employment ranking of 145th across STI Markets.

In terms of overall employment size, the market ranks 148th with employment of 2,088,052.

Market Labor Force

Labor Force

Figure 32: Labor Force

Labor Force By County

Labor Force Comparison

Figure 33: Labor Force Comparison

Unemployment Rate of 3.7%

With an Unemployment Rate of 3.7% the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI currently ranks 109th in Unemployment among the 167 STI Markets.

UER Inequality - Moderate

The Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI can current be classified as having Moderate level of variation across its Census Tracts. This classification is based on the Gini Coefficient of the market which is currently 0.366. Low (0 to .3), Moderate (.3 to .4), High (.4 to .6), Extreme (.6 to 1). The Gini Coefficient is often used to classify inequality. Across all STI Markets the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI ranks 125th. The interquartile range of the markets Census Tracts, that is its 25th percentile and 75th percentile values, are 1.9% and 5.1%, respectively.

Unemployment Rate 8 Quarter Trend

Unemployment Rate - 8Q

Figure 34: Unemployment Rate - 8Q

Unemployment Rate - Trend from 2007

Unemployment Rate

Figure 35: Unemployment Rate

Unemployment Thematic

Unemployment Thematic

Figure 36: Unemployment Thematic