Population Forecast
5 year Forecast - 5%
The current population of the El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM Market is 1,254,914 as of the July 2024 PopStats estimate. PopStat’s Trend models indicate a 5 year population change of 5%, resulting in a Population of 1,318,065 by July 2029. This percentage change in Population ranks 29th across STI Markets. The El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM Market currently ranks 84th in overall population, and will rank 83rd by July 2029.
High and Low Range - -0.8% to 16.4%
While the summation of mid range 5 year forecasts foresee a change in Population of 5% for El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM Market. The forecast high ranges of these forecasts leaves open the possibility for a Population change as high as 16.4% at 1,460,846. Similarly a population change as low as -0.8% at 1,245,499 is not without possibility.
10 year Projections - 11.1%
By July 2034 we project the Population of the El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM Market to be 1,393,628 resulting in a change of 11.1% compared to the current Population. This projected percentage change in Population ranks 28th across STI Markets. The El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM Market currently ranks 84th in overall population, and will rank 79th by July 2034.