Synergos Technologies, Inc. (STI)

Launching Breakthrough GIS Data Products Since 1993

Synergos Technologies, Inc. (STI)

Launching Breakthrough GIS Data Products Since 1993

STI History

A History of Innovation — Synergos Technologies’ Data Milestones

For over one decade, Synergos Technologies Inc. has been an innovator in population demographics. STI’s innovative spirit and responsive customer service philosophy has fueled the growth of many of its products, including our flagship product, STI: PopStats™ quarterly population estimates — which grew from 20 demographic variables in 2001 to over 1,000 variables in early 2009.

Today, STI: PopStats provides market researchers access to a vast range of valuable demographic data — including households estimates, 10-year forecasts, seasonal population counts, transient counts, and econometric data. Other STI demographic firsts include quarterly workplace estimates, block-level population estimates, and the merger of quarterly population estimates with consumer lifestyle segmentation.

We are not stopping here. STI is committed to continuing its data innovation trajectory — and to bringing new and better products and resources to market research. Our goal is to help companies make more informed and more profitable business decisions about their current and future locations.

Here are just a few selected highlights from our long history as an innovator of leading-edge demographic data:

October 2001 STI: PopStats launched as the first quarterly population estimates

April 2004 STI: WorkPlace launched as the first quarterly workplace estimates

April 2004 Household spending patterns added to STI: PopStats data

April 2005 Home values added to STI: PopStats data

July 2005 Transient population estimates added to STI: PopStats data

January 2006 Post-Katrina population estimates added to STI: PopStats data

July 2006 STI: LandScape™ launched as a neighborhood-level consumer lifestyle segmentation system based on STI: PopStats data population data

July 2006 STI: LandScape lifestyle categories added to STI: PopStats data

January 2007 Puerto Rico population estimates added to STI: PopStats data

October 2007 10-year population forecast projections added to STI: PopStats data

October 2007 Seasonal estimates added to STI: PopStats data

October 2007 Unemployment estimates added to STI: PopStats data

August 2010 STI: Colossus™ launched as the first macroeconomic dataset available at the market level

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