Data for Site-Location Critical Industries
Data for Site-Location Critical Industries
Most trusted data partner in the grocery industry.
- The most accurate data. Quickly catch upward and downward trends.
- Adjust your product offerings to your local area using unique varieties.
- Examine how your local customer spends their money.

"We have been using PopStats since it first became available for three primary reasons. First, I was impressed that I could get all of my demographic data from one source. Secondly, PopStats was the only product that was updated quarterly, including population counts, ethnicities, incomes, and seasonality. Third, I have great confidence in the source of the data — residential postal delivery."
— Kroger
Data that’s crucial to a fast paced, highly competitive industry.
- Quarterly updates to keep up with the market.
- Block level accuracy for small trade areas for QSR and fast casual restaurants.
- Gain the edge with commuter data, transient data, and STI: WorkPlace™ demographics.

"We have been working with Synergos Technologies for many years now and continue to find their data useful in several key areas of our business related to Development, Marketing, and Customer Analytics. We truly appreciate the partnership as they have been very transparent and open to discuss their data methodology and reporting whenever we have questions. It’s a trusted data source we continue to use and partner with in the future."
— Bloomin’ Brands
Data for site-selection and product placement.
- Market gaps perfect for a new prime location.
- Consumer spending habits and patterns.
- Quarterly updates allow us to catch upward and downward trends.

"We have used PopStats since 2004 and have enjoyed greater confidence in our population counts, especially in market areas undergoing rapid change. With PopStats accurate quarterly data, we are able to build more powerful predictive models, assess information in the field, and make better real estate decisions — all with greater confidence than ever before."
— Family Dollar
Real Estate
Maximize the returns on your investments with sound data.
- Develop properties that will meet the demands of existing and future populations.
- Understand your investment portfolios on a deeper level to replicate success.
- Create your own intelligent models with data you can trust.
- Support your arguments with hard numbers.

"To expand into new high-growth markets, we needed regularly updated population estimates that accurately reflect current population changes. We became so confident with PopStats we decided to use its entire data set exclusively. Now we are expanding new housing development with much greater confidence."
— Weingarten Realty