STI: Public Transportation


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  • Public Transportation Database Maps Bus & Light Rail Routes in U.S. Cities

    The customer demographics of hundreds of thousands of business across the United States include people who ride public buses as a major form of transportation. Until recently there was no convenient way to map these public transportation routes when conducting desktop mapping market analysis. In fact, businesses that wanted this information had to conduct hours of research to first identify the bus routes, then they had to manually draw the data into their maps. Now, businesses can include the complete public transportation systems of over 500 cities from California to New York --- with the push of a button. These accurate colored routes in MapInfoŽ format add a new element of precision to any market analysis picture.

    Click here to see a list of cities we cover.

    STI: Public Transportation  
    Maps all known bus routes for each city
    Maps all known light rail routes and stations for each city
    Illustrates each route in a different color for at-a-glance clarity
    Displays a 1/2-mile buffer around the cities bus network
    Lists up-to-date contact information for each city's transportation authority
    Available in MapInfoŽ format
    Source: the 1996 Federal Transportation Association study (FTA)
    Over 500 cities documented

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    Expand the Detail of Your Market Analysis   If your customers or employees use public transportation, you could increase the success of your site selection by knowing the proximity of public transportation to your sites. Similarly, many businesses want to know where the bus routes are, so that they can locate their businesses away from the bus lines. Either way, the Public Transportation database gives you all of the information you need, including all known routes for each city. To further enrich this data, the routes are color-coded. At a glance, you can easily follow the path of a single route, find the route you are looking for, and distinguish one route from another. What's more, the entire transportation network is displayed with a surrounding 1/2-mile buffer. This gives you an at-a-glance calculation to determine your customers' or employees' ability to conveniently access public transportation.

    For any additional research into public transportation in any city, the database also conveniently lists the most up-to-date contact information for each city's transportation authority, including the primary contact's name, address, and phone number, as well as any other available information. You are assured to have the most up-to-date and accurate information, because all of the data is based on the 1996 Federal Transportation Association study (FTA).

    STI: Public Transportation Sample   If you are a current MapInfoŽ user, you may download a sample of a public transportation table. This sample is an extract from Market 038 (Corpus Christi).

    If you do not currently own MapInfoŽ, but wish to see an example of this sample. Look below. Or, you can download a copy of the MapInfo ProViewerŽ which allows you to look at MapInfoŽ data.

    The download is compressed in PkZip format (if you do not own PkunZip, click here) and once decompressed will be over 300k in size! The approximate time to download this sample using a 28k modem is 1 minute.

    Download the sample NOW!

    The brightly colored thick lines represent the different bus routes in Corpus Christi.