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The Synergos Plan - Census 2020

Where has the decade gone? 10 years have flown by and we have arrived at the 2020 Census. The U.S. Census Bureau is working hard to count the population to collect data that will affect important decisions.

The team at Synergos Technologies is also working hard to incorporate this data into our line of STI products to maintain our status as your most accurate data provider. Follow the link to see The Syngeros Plan and how the 2020 Census will affect your data products.

STI: PopStats™ - Methodology

Your Data Building Blocks for Accurately Researching Populations in Today's Markets

In 2001, STI: PopStats™ quarterly population estimates changed the market research industry's conventional view of population estimates by launching with several industry firsts including:

  • Leveraging a new source of population data — the U.S. Postal Service's ZIP+4® records
  • Creating an innovative "bottom-up" methodology
  • Updating estimates quarterly versus annually
  • Adding new data variables in response to clients' specific requests
  • Providing a "building blocks" philosophy that unleashes unlimited research potential
  • Extending a responsive customer service approach for questions and enhancements

With the launch of PopStats data, for the first time, companies viewed population estimates as a highly accurate, dependable, and essential component of market research, instead of data that added only marginal value to their research. The data has become even more valuable with the addition of over 1,200 population and demographic variables, including neighborhood segmentation and workplace estimates.

No matter what research goals are driving a company forward — from locating new high-growth areas before competitors, to consolidating store networks, to accelerating growth plans — PopStats data brings immense value to critical business decisions. What's more, companies also gain confidence in their research, knowing they have the most accurate and current insight — including market growth and decline, demographic variations, seasonal population fluctuations, mortgage risk differences, income changes, and much more.

Seven years after PopStats data's introduction, a watershed moment occurred at the annual ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers) Conference in August 2008. First, an independent study by ICSC found that Synergos Technologies Inc. (STI) is one of two data providers most preferred by retailers. Also, at an ICSC best practices session, three out of four retail panelists cited STI as their demographic data provider of choice.

Today market researchers in a wide range of industries — including retail, healthcare, real estate development, telecommunications, and economic development — rely on PopStats data to gain in-depth and dependable insight on where people live and work across the U.S. With PopStats data fueling their data engines, companies are enjoying the confidence to make more informed — and profitable — business decisions regarding markets, locations, and consumers.